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Jose Cuervo Especial Gold Tequila 700ml

Jose Cuervo Especial Gold is a blend of Reposado and younger tequilas. The result is a well-balanced, smooth tequila.

Jose Cuervo Especial Silver Tequila 700ml

A true silver tequila, Cuervo Silver is the epitome of smooth. The master distillers at La Rojena crafted this unique and balanced blend to bring out tones of agave, caramel, and fresh herbs in its flavor profile. Jose Cuervo Especial Silver is made with blue agave. With its rich, volcanic soil, abundant pure spring water and temperate climate, the highest quality blue agave is transformed by the family into a fine spirit that yields clean, crisp and smooth tequila.

Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver 700ml

Tradicional Silver is made with 100% blue agave. It is irresistibly refined. When bottled, a special process is used to conserve its flavor and finish at freezing temperatures. This means that it can, and should, be kept chilled in the freezer and served as a crisp, smooth, frozen shot.

Jose Curevo Agavero 750ml

Agavero is a liqueur with blends of 100% agave Reposado and AƱejo tequila as well a touch of the damiana flower. Damiana is an herb native to Mexico that has long been thought to have aphrodisiac properties. Enjoy it pure, cooled or on the rocks with a piece of lime or orange.

Olmeca Altos Plata Tequila 700ml

Altos Tequila Plata is made from 100% blue agave grown in the Los Altos highlands of Mexico.

Olmeca Altos Reposado Tequila 700ml

Altos Reposado tequila is made from 100% blue agave grown in the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico and aged in former whiskey barrels for 6 to 8 months for good measure. Sweet and citric with notes of vanilla and wood.
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