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Bay and Barnes Block Shiraz 750ml

This Australian Shiraz from the Riverland winegrowing region in South Eastern Australia. This hot, dry winegrowing region is famous for ripe, generous, classic Aussie Shiraz with delicious sweet red berry flavours. Harvested at perfect ripeness, fruit was immediately processed at the winery and fermented on skins to maximise flavour and colour. Maturation in oak.

Black Angus Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Dark red with crimson hues, lifted cassis, blackcurrant leaf and cedar. Ripe black fruits accompanied by a refreshing bright palate with classic Heathcote eucalypt-mint characters. Bold generous mid-palate displaying fruit intensity and ripe textured tannins. Exceptional concentration and purity combined with restrained structure and balance. This is a wine that can be enjoyed in its youth, but will also equally reward those with the patience to cellar for a further 6 - 10 years.

Black Cottage Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

This Pinot Noir has a deep ruby colour and offers a complex aroma of dark forest fruits, wild thyme and subtle smoke. The palate has flavours of vibrant blackberries and cherries, with a glossy mouthfeel, delicate acidity and plush tannins. Pair with chargrilled meats and game dishes.

Black Cottage Rosé 750ml

An attractive, fresh and stylish Pinot Noir dominant rosé, full of Rainier cherry flavours and granite notes. Cranberry, watermelon and sea breeze aromas mingle on the nose. Elegant and well-balanced, this wine shows undertones of tamarillo, honeydew melon, oyster shell and subtle liquorish notes. The finish is clean and dry with a lick of salt.

Black Cottage Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Pale straw in colour, this Sauvignon Blanc has a complex nose of paw paw, passionfruit, pineapple and a touch of cut grass and crushed herbs. The juicy palate is packed full of tropical fruits and lime zest with a hint of sweet pea and crunchy red capsicum. Good balance and refreshing acidity complete this expressive wine. Try with fresh seafood or light, seasonal salads.

Boatshed Bay Pinot Gris 750ml

This Pinot Gris is full of fresh pear and vibrant spice aromas and flavours.

Boatshed Bay Pinot Noir 750ml

Ripe and vibrant, our pinot noir is silky smooth and full of red cherry flavours.

Boatshed Bay Rosé 750ml

Boatshed Bay Rosé has a pale blush pink appearance. On the nose there are aromas of strawberries and melon with touch of floral. The palate has lifted strawberry and melon notes that hang off a creamy mid palate, giving the wine generosity and fullness. Elegant and refreshing, this Rosé is perfect for summer afternoons alongside fresh seafood, cheeseboards, and creamy desserts.

Boatshed Bay Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Our sauvignon blanc offers a refreshing tropical fruit profile with aromas of passionfruit, guava and lemongrass. Flavours on the palate mimic the bouquet with a crisp acidity and typical marlborough minerality.

Brilla! Prosecco DOC 200ml

Delicate and complex bouquet with fruity notes that remind of peach, green apple with second notes of acacia and lilac. Fresh and light on the palate, with balanced acidity and body; harmonic with a long persistent aftertaste.

Brilla! Prosecco DOC 750ml

Delicate and complex bouquet with fruity notes that remind of peach, green apple with second notes of acacia and lilac. Fresh and light on the palate, with balanced acidity and body; harmonic with a long persistent aftertaste.

Brilla! Prosecco Rosé DOC 200ml

Delicate and complex bouquet with fruity notes that remind of peach, green apple and lemon. Floral notes of acacia and rose. Fresh and light on the palate, with balanced acidity and body; Round and full bodied structure.
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