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Oyster Bay Rosé 750ml

Oyster Bay's Marlborough Rosé exudes summer cherry and fragrant blossom notes with a burst of red berries and a lively citrus zest.

Pa Road Rosé 750ml


Rabbit Ranch Rosé 750ml

Summer in a glass, dry Provençal style - crushed berries over alpine flower & citrus sorbet. Made from 100% Central Otago Pinot Noir fruit, lightly pressed to extract just enough colour to deliver the provencal-esque pale pink. Fermented dry to allow the delicate Pinot red fruit characters and cool climate minerality to hop across your palate.

Rapaura Springs Reserve Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

Rapaura Springs Reserve wines are expertly crafted from selected vineyards with impressive flavour concentration and palate weight. Reserve wines define their region. A lovely, bright, pink colour with lifted aromas of raspberry, watermelon and florals. Layers of ripe berry fruit flavours are complemented by a full, rich palate.

Riviera Rosé Vin de Provence 750ml

Fresh and crisp on the palate with a dry finish. The aromas & palate are full of exotic fruits, strawberry and cheery with a hint of spice. The mouth is full and the fruit is persistent and salivating. Serve chilled.

Rockburn Stolen Kiss Rosé 750ml

It all started with a kiss! A Stolen Kiss Rosé back in 2006, when winemaker Malcolm Rees-Francis 'stole' some Pinot Noir grapes that were destined for Rockburn's flagship Central Otago Pinot Noir and turned them into one of the country's first premium Rosé wines. Once unleashed into your glass its candy-floss and crème-brûlée aromas shall sashay into a flirtatious toffee-apple and simmering strawberry palate smeared with cherry lip-gloss; most fun to drink chilled on sultry summer afternoons and evenings.

Selaks Essential Selection Rosé 750ml

The Selaks range is made in an approachable style highlighting the fresh vibrant fruit character of each variety. These are wines suitable for all occasions, delivering excellent quality and consistency every vintage.

Selaks Origins Rosé 750ml

Selaks Origins wines are crafted to showcase the special characters of the regions in which their grapes are grown, creating easy drinking, classic wines, bursting with the flavours you love.

Selaks The Taste Collection Berries & Cream Rosé 750ml

The Taste Collection is a celebration of the generous and distinct flavours that have made Selaks wines so extraordinary and sought after for more than 90 years. Berries & Cream Rosé, ripe juicy berry flavours and a light creamy finish - reminiscent of strawberries and cream in the summertime. This delicate pink Rosé is a great drink for sharing.

Squealing Pig Rosé 750ml

Squealing Pig Rosé is pale salmon in colour with flavours of strawberry and pink grapefruit, this wine is perfectly crisp and refreshing.

Stoneleigh Lighter Rosé 750ml

As Winemakers, Stoneleigh are able to capture the natural early ripening characteristics of the Rapaura sub-region appellation, harvesting the grapes early with a full flavour profile to make a range of wines that are 25% lower in alcohol. This playful wine is a gorgeous tea-rose pink hue, and greets with aromas of red berries and orchard fruits. The palate is fresh and vibrant, with juicy pear, red apple and ripe nectarine notes. The wine is light-bodied with a clean, fruity finish and just a touch of spice.

The Ned Rosé 750ml

Right in the heart of the magical Waihopai Valley, a million miles from anywhere, lies The Ned, one of Marlborough's most famous peaks. The Ned Rosé - Delicate aromas of strawberries and cream enhanced by ripe red fruits is supported by a light floral lift. Plush and refreshing on the palate with fine, silky tannins accentuated by summer fruits with an orange citrus finish.
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