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Tohu Nelson Rosé 750ml

A delicate rose-gold hue in the glass, this luminous Nelson Rosé displays bright aromas of red pear and crushed cranberry. The vibrant palate of pink plum and ripe citrus is underpinned with notes of fresh fig and a subtle hint of crab-apple. With just a touch of balancing sweetness this delightfully vibrant and fresh Rosé has a wonderfully long, luscious and persistent finish.

Villa Maria Private Bin Rosé 750ml

This delicious Rosé has lovely hues of pink with copper undertones and displays an explosion of fresh strawberries and pink grapefruit supported by subtle baking spice. The palate has generous fruit but finishes crisp and refreshing.

Waimea Estate Pinot Rosé 750ml

Salmon pink in colour, this Rosé from the Waimea Plains boasts vibrant acidity, ripe melon and crunchy red apple skin on the palate.

Wairau River Rosé 750ml

Displaying subtle floral notes combined with lifted aromas of strawberry and raspberry.

Wither Hills Rosé 750ml

Established in 1994 and named after the landmark Wither Hills range that borders the vineyards, the Wither Hills expert team grow and craft expressive wines New Zealanders know and trust to represent quality. Wither Hills Rosé is summer in a glass, looking fresh watermelon pink and delivering a dry, refreshing style. The palate has great length like those hot summer days with enticing aromas of wild strawberries and cream, balanced against bright acidity.

Young & Co Strawberry Hustle Rosé 750ml

An elegant fusion of flavour and fashion. Young & Co is wine with flair, designed to embrace the hero taste characteristics of the varietal. Balanced and poised on the palate, our wines embody style and sophistication. Embark on an exquisite, tantalizing taste experience.
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