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Chambord Liqueur 500ml

An extremely deep, purple colour. The liqueur has a luxuriously textured, medium-weight body and a wafting herbal and fruit bouquet. Black raspberries, vanilla acacia honey, and fragrant herbs steeped in cognac. The semi-sweet palate is a lavish affair featuring raspberries, spice, herbs and a taste of honey. The flavours persist on the palate for a remarkably long finish.

Chartreuse Yellow Liqueur 700ml

Milder and sweeter than the famous Green Chartreuse, Yellow Chartreuse was introduced to the world in 1840. It also is presented in the traditional Chartreuse liqueur bottle embossed with the seal of La Grande Chartreuse.

Coast Road Creamery Original Cream Liqueur 700ml

A smooth, indulgent cream liquor, Coast Road Creamery is best served straight over ice, or enjoyed with your favourite after dinner treat.

Cointreau 50ml

Cointreau is crafted through the distillation of all-natural sweet and bitter orange peels, resulting in a crystal clear liqueur that strikes the perfect balance between sweetness and freshness. Rich and strong orange flavour with fruity, floral and herbaceous notes.

Cointreau 700ml

Cointreau is crafted through the distillation of all-natural sweet and bitter orange peels, resulting in a crystal clear liqueur that strikes the perfect balance between sweetness and freshness. Rich and strong orange flavour with fruity, floral and herbaceous notes.

De Kuyper Advocaat 700ml

A creamy yellow liqueur made from a rich blend of eggyolks, sugar, brandy and a touch of vanilla.

De Kuyper Crème de Cacao Brown Liqueur 500ml

Carefully distilled spirits are combined with an extract of cacao beans from Africa and vanilla from Madagascar to compose this traditional sweet-chocolate liqueur. De Kuyper Crème de Cacao is intense and sweet in a Chocolate Martini.

De Kuyper Crème de Cacao White Liqueur 500ml

A traditional clear sweet liqueur created using the finest cacao beans from Africa and vanilla from Madagascar to form a classic combination of sumptuous vanilla and chocolate flavours. De Kuyper Crème De Cacao White is chocolatey, rich and comforting, perfect for a Grasshopper cocktail or any cocktail that needs chocolatey flavours, but where a dark coloured liqueur would ruin the appearance.

De Kuyper Crème de Menthe Green Liqueur 700ml

De Kuyper originated in 1695 in Rotterdam, Netherlands and has developed over three centuries into a global player in the area of Liqueurs and Advocaat.

De Kuyper Triple Sec Liqueur 500ml

The Triple Sec recipe dates back to the early 19th century and has been copied and altered ever since. De Kuyper also took a shot at the infamous cocktail seasoning, pronouncing the citrus and prolonging the taste. By distilling the dried peels of sweet and bitter oranges, and mixing the two flavours meticulously together, they came up with this one of a kind liqueur.

Disaronno Originale 700ml

Disaronno Originale is the world's favourite Italian liqueur. Featuring an original taste and an unmistakable aroma Disaronno Originale is a stylish and timeless icon of the Italian Dolcevita. Disaronno is a pleasure to enjoy on the rocks as well as in its various mixed drinks. The sweet almond aroma on the nose is bright and lively. The almond flavour is not super cloying and gives a nutty, toasted backnote on the finish. Softer on the palate however with a rather short, sweet flavour of almond and marzipan.

Drambuie The Isle of Skye Liqueur 700ml

Drambuie is a honey and herb flavoured golden scotch whisky liqueur made from aged malt whisky, heather honey and a secret blend of herbs and spices. The flavour suggests saffron, honey, anise, nutmeg and an herbal earthiness.
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