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Angus The Bull Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Intense colour with bright purple hues. Vibrant black fruits with rich dark chocolate and subtle vanillin oak aromas. Medium to full bodies palate weight, characterised by satisfying tannins and savoury masculine finish. An ideal accompaniment to red meat and premium cuts of prime beef.

Angus Wee Angus Merlot 750ml

Sharing the same impeccable breeding as its big brother, the youthful exuberance of Wee Angus is revealed through the gentle plummy characters of Merlot. A subtle touch of vanillin oak and a generous finish combine to create the perfect accompaniment to your next barbeque.

Ass Kisser Shiraz 750ml

Aged in French barrels for 12 months creating a soft earthy nose with blackcurrent aromas developing nicely. Ingratiate yourself with sweet varietal fruit and a lingering dark chocolate promise.

Babich Hawke's Bay Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 750ml

Working with two of the world's great wine varieties grown in one of the world's great red wine regions provides a special foundation for any winemaker. The result is a full flavoured, deliciously indulgent, opulent and warm, dry wine, dark and sweetly fruited with a hint of blackberry and plum, with a big hit of cocoa on the finish. An ideal partner for an antipasto platter featuring a range of salami and smoked meats, or any meaty casserole, like lamb shanks.

Babich Hawke's Bay Syrah 750ml

Much has been said and written about the Gimblett Gravels area being fantastic for Syrah. Babich was a pioneer of this region and this wine comes from the famous Babich Irongate vineyard. It is an accessible middleweight Syrah that's big on berry fruit, sprinkled with spice and pepper.

Barossa Black Double Oak Bourbon Oak Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Full bodied with black plum and red berry fruit flavours are enhanced by the Bourbon oak ageing which lead to caramel, maple syrup and wood derived spice and flavour notes.

Barossa Black Double Oak Bourbon Oak Shiraz 750ml

Smooth and full bodied with flavours of blackberry and dark chocolate oak characters are enhanced by Bourbon oak ageing which leads to caramel, maple syrup and wood derived spice and flavour notes.

Barossa Black Double Oak Rum Oak Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Full bodied with black plum and red berry fruit flavours are enhanced by the Rum oak ageing which leads to vanilla and toasted almond flavours and a slightly sweet fruit finish.

Barossa Black Double Oak Rum Oak Shiraz 750ml

Smooth and full bodied with flavours of blackberry, dark chocolate and spicy oak characters are enhanced by Rum oak ageing which leads to vanilla, and toasted almond flavours with a slightly sweet fruit finish.

Barossa Black Double Oak Tawny Oak Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Full bodied with black plum and red berry fruit flavours are enhanced by the Tawny oak ageing which leads to flavours of caramel, dried fruits and nuts.

Barossa Black Double Oak Tawny Oak Shiraz 750ml

Smooth and full bodied with flavours of blackberry, dark chocolate and spicy oak characters are enhanced by the Tawny oak ageing which leads to flavours of caramel, dried fruit, and nuts.

Bay and Barnes Block Merlot 750ml

This Merlot was sourced from premium vineyards. Immediately following harvest fruit undertook fermentation on skins to lock in colour and flavour. It was then gently pressed and matured on oak to develop subtle toasty and mocha flavours and a rich smooth palate. The resulting wine a has dark, inky colour followed by a rewarding, silky mouthfeel and intense, rich plum flavour. Enjoy this Merlot with crispy five spice-scented, Peking duck pancakes with hoisin sauce and Asian greens.
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