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Bay and Barnes Block Shiraz 750ml

This Australian Shiraz from the Riverland winegrowing region in South Eastern Australia. This hot, dry winegrowing region is famous for ripe, generous, classic Aussie Shiraz with delicious sweet red berry flavours. Harvested at perfect ripeness, fruit was immediately processed at the winery and fermented on skins to maximise flavour and colour. Maturation in oak.

Black Angus Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Dark red with crimson hues, lifted cassis, blackcurrant leaf and cedar. Ripe black fruits accompanied by a refreshing bright palate with classic Heathcote eucalypt-mint characters. Bold generous mid-palate displaying fruit intensity and ripe textured tannins. Exceptional concentration and purity combined with restrained structure and balance. This is a wine that can be enjoyed in its youth, but will also equally reward those with the patience to cellar for a further 6 - 10 years.

Black Cottage Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

This Pinot Noir has a deep ruby colour and offers a complex aroma of dark forest fruits, wild thyme and subtle smoke. The palate has flavours of vibrant blackberries and cherries, with a glossy mouthfeel, delicate acidity and plush tannins. Pair with chargrilled meats and game dishes.

Boatshed Bay Pinot Noir 750ml

Ripe and vibrant, our pinot noir is silky smooth and full of red cherry flavours.

Brookfields Ohiti Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Founded in 1937, Brookfields Vineyards is Hawke's Bay's Oldest Boutique Winery, situated alongside the glistening waters of the Tutaekuri River, between Napier and Hastings.

Brown Brothers Cienna 750ml

Brown Brothers Cienna is like tasting summer berries in a glass; filled with fresh ripe cherries and juicy red berries. With a gentle spritz, Cienna is smooth with a refreshing finish. A perfect red wine for summer. Enjoy chilled.

Brown Brothers Dolcetto & Syrah 750ml

Dolcetto is an Italian grape variety that is little known or planted in Australia. The variety hails from the mountainous Piedmont region of north-west Italy. Translated literally, 'Dolcetto' means 'little sweet one'. This wine has fresh, lifted aromas of red jubes, blackberries, red currants, hints of spice and liquorice. The palate has flavours of ripe summer berries and a natural grape sweetness that is balanced by the frizzante mouth-feel providing a refreshing, lively finish.

Carrick Unravelled Pinot Noir 750ml

Uncomplicated, upfront and enjoyable. Signature black cherry fruit flavours.

Casa Malbec 1.5 Litre

Full of aromas of juicy dark cherry and black plum that lead to a velvety smooth finish with flavours of dark fruit and nuances of raspberry and plum.

Casa Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 1.5 Litre

A medium bodied red wine, silky texture and fine tannins. The palate is full of red fruits, plum and black cherry.

Chocolate Box Shiraz 750ml

This wine showcases classical Barossa black fruit characters with dark chocolate flavours matured in a combination of French and American Oak barrels. Try with a sizzling BBQ steak.

Church Road McDonald Series Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

The McDonald Series wines are an expression of both their fruit and the vision of their namesake winemaker. This full-bodied wine is packed with layers of rich berry fruit, cassis and dark cacao notes, along with lifted cedar and thyme aromas. While impressive now, the powerful yet fine-grained tannin structure ensures great longevity. This wine is unfined and unfiltered to preserve quality. Some precipitate may form with time and decanting is recommended.
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